Book Review: Redeeming Advent

Why are you reading an Advent book in October?

Christmas starts earlier and earlier each year and only the other day, I cursed the Christmas and Halloween shelf space in Poundland for bumping off the Tupperware I needed. So why am I reading an Advent book in October?

Well I actually started in September and – disclaimers alert – I got offered the opportunity to read this book for free in exchange for reviewing it. I love a free book. And even though I know that Lucy has a copy of my book with her we both believe in an honest review which is what you’ll get! But what drew me in to reading it was the description: ‘In this unique devotional, written for busy people…’. I might, I dared to think, be able to read this…

I was acutely aware that I have not read a book for months, and the chance of me reading an Advent book, in Advent, and finishing by Christmas were slim, if not non-existent. And lo and behold, I still have not finished it giving each day the attention and thought I would like to, and I began with enough days to go in September… but that is a reflection on me, not Lucy and her book. Each day is a manageable length, chatty yet quickly deepening into scripture and reflections.

The 24 days of Redeeming Advent begin with an anecdote, linking into the day’s theme and opening up the topic. Her recounting of the day to day of life is relatable, frank and concise – perfect for those busy people, or people who are reading on four hours of broken sleep. Aspects of the Bible and Christian lifestyle round out the themes, and the questions to ponder at the end of each section get you thinking and inspire, without engendering an emotional mixture of guilt and failure at your lack of spirituality (just me?!).

Lucy has four sections on your home, Christmas, heart and community which give space to different ways we can change our outlook, perspective or actions. I’m looking forward to considering these again drawing closer to Christmas. One of my personal favourites was Lucy’s thoughts on Santa and considering how I might balance the festival of Santa and Jesus with my own little one.

Can’t I just buy it at the end of November?

Yes. But I’d get it now. Why? Because although it will be great to reread in Advent, it’s now that I need to consider traditions, where I might shop and how I could bless my community in December. As I (we!) enter a new season of family Christmases, merging traditions and working out where to put the tree in a tiny flat we don’t own with a potential crawler, many of Redeeming Advent‘s stories resonate with me and provoke me to consider new angles on my life. I would never have ordinarily read an advent book (at all!) but I’m glad I’ve read this one!

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